Sunday, October 17, 2010


Hello Friends -

There has been so much going on at the Day Barn site that it will be hard to report it all!

As you can see, the footings and foundation have been poured and the barn is now set down and anchored.  The barn was actually raised about a foot to provide the proper headroom inside for the activities we anticipate.
Wadsworth construction is donating the services of an architect who is nailing down all possible future uses of the barn and developing a master plan - likely phased - to include, possibly, some amenities we had previously thought out of our reach.  We'll see how that progresses.

In the meantime, work and efforts have moved forward.  A new member of the committee Kerris Koplin is working to locate and attach the correct dimension of lumber around the base of the barn as well as other places where the wood is damaged or missing.  Kerris is also planning to replicate and replace the barn windows.

LaRayne Day and family has spent hours scraping and sanding loose paint from the exterior and the barn is nearly ready for a coat of primer and then top-coat.  Tod Wadsworth is heading up stabilization and structural reinforcement of the interior so the barn will meet code for anticipated snow loads and the anticipated occupancy.

This project is poised to become one of Draper finest outdoor park facilities so please consider joining in to make it a much needed gathering spot for Draper's Town Center.

Cash donations are still very needed as well as donations in these categories -

  • Window Glazing
  • Paint
  • Carpentry
  • Insulation
  • Wood siding panels
  • Electrical materials
  • Electricians
  • Rough Plumbing materials
  • Plumbers
  • Landscaping
  • Irrigation systems
We have a lot more donors to report so please check back for updates next week.  Thanks to everyone for the amazing support on the Day Dairy Barn project!

Monday, May 17, 2010


Sunday, May 16th  - 7:30 am

The Old Girl (yes, she's big-as-a-barn but that's OK) rolled on down 12300 S. to her new home on Pioneer Road.  It was a smooth moove led by Valgardson & Sons House movers and assisted by Tod Wadsworth of Ralph L. Wadsworth construction, Hadco Construction and Rocky Mountain Power.  Thanks to all these wonderful donors and many more for helping to make this happen.

Representatives from the Day family watched the move, several of whom actually worked in the barn from their youth.  It must have been a bit sad to see the barn leave it's historic location but everyone seemed happy to know the barn and the Day family story would continue on.  In fact, the Day Barn will help bring to life much of Draper's agricultural and family history and will also be part of creating new memories for generations to come!

It's not over yet!  Donations are still needed to renovate the barn so please check out this link for a fun fundraiser (did they put the FUN in FUNdraiser??) underway through Fresh Hair Professionals Salon in Draper.  If this sincere group is successful in reaching their goal of $10,000 the Day Barn will be about where it needs to be in terms of cash money!

Check back soon for a list of in-kind contributions and volunteer opportunities to help git-er-done!

Photos soon!

Here are some links to the great media coverage the barn move received -

Old Draper dairy barn saved - It's to serve as an education center and gathering place
Amelia Nielson-Stowell, Deseret News

Draper Historic Landmark is relocated . . .
Fox 13 News and Big Budah

KSL News story on the Day Barn


Wednesday, May 12, 2010


YES!  The Day Dairy Barn will be gettin' on down the road THIS Sunday, May 16th!  Valgaardson Brothers house movers will begin the move at 7:00 am.  

THE ROUTE -  The barn will turn left onto 12300 S. go east to 800 E. and travel south one block to Pioneer Road (12400 S.) where it will turn and travel east until it reaches the parcel just to the east of the Fitzgerald House at approximately 1120 E. Pioneer Road. 

The Barn will be "staged" (left on blocks) on the property while Wadsworth Construction and other wonderful donor partners prepare the site with footings and foundation.  The barn will be slid into place and anchored at a later date.

More info to come soon!

Oh - and if you would like to donate to the Day Barn renovation, here is an EXTRA fun way to do it -  give through the Fresh Hair Professionals Day Barn Fundraiser!  This fundraiser is authorized by the Day Barn Fundraising Committee.  Your donation will receive all the regular recognitions, PLUS you'll get a chance to WIN great items donated by local businesses.   Whoop-ee-ti-yi-o, get along little doggies!!!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


It's the Barn-YARD SALE and Ride-for-the-Cause to help moooooove and renovate the Day Dairy Barn -  THIS SATURDAY,
MAY 8TH from 8am to 1 pm
Tell all your friends!  We have a ton of great stuff to sell but
have room for even more!!!!!  Email HERE to donate
or volunteer to help set up!

Friday, April 23, 2010

SEE! It's a real "Barn Raising"!

It's true.  Work has begun to move the barn!  Drive down 12300 S. and check it out!

My husband was motoring by, saw some wood pulled off the barn and thought he was going to have to put up his dukes to defend it against a vandal.  But it was our friends, the Valgaardson brothers, doing their magic to get the Day Barn ready for its move in just a few weeks.

We are so grateful for all who have donated and helped so far to help provide this meaningful contribution to the Draper community.  Please check out our donor page.  It is amazing to see just how many folks are participating in this fun new "barn raising"

Below is the rough plan for the barn.  If you, or someone you know, can help with materials or labor for these phases, please contact us to talk about a possible in-kind donation.  Of course, cash donations are still needed :) 

  • Raise (not raze) the Barn and Mooooooooove it down the road to the new site near the Fitzgerald House on Pioneer Road
  • The barn will be "staged" (up on blocks) over at the new site while we utilize cash and in-kind donations to get the utilities roughed in, footings and foundation poured.  Tie it down.
  • Pour the floor for the barn, walkways and grade for landscaping
  • Scrape and paint the barn, repair/replace windows, doors and any other repairs
  • Possible addition for restroom - or build the restroom in the barn
  • Irrigation system and Landscaping
  • Rough-in electrical and plumbing
  • Finish carpenty, cabinet, etc.
  • Finish electrical and plumbing
  • Educational displays for walls and exterior
  • Down the road sometime - new, old-timey roofing

Monday, April 19, 2010

WOW - Up, Up and AWAY!!!

We hear Dave Valgaardson, our wonderful friend and professional "house" mover, is ready to get started!!!  He wants to work the barn in before his schedule gets too jam-packed to get our job done for the GREAT price he is giving us for the mooooooove.

So you'll start to see some action at the current barn site soon!

More pledges and donations have come in but we still need about 6K more to pay Dave, the power company and get the basic foundation and utility work done for the first phase.  Not bad!

Our Barn-yard sale and motorcycle ride on May 8th should help a lot.  Please contact us if you have any extra useables around your house to donate for sale.  And come support too!!!

ALSO - please scroll down a bit for info on the fun Earth Day Event coming up this Saturday.  We'll be there too!!!       THANKS!

Friday, April 16, 2010

More "Cash Money" in the mooving fund!!

Hello friends,

LaRayne Day, our super-organized and all-round-wonderful secretary tells us that now we have nearly $17,000 in the bank!!!  That puts us much closer to our $20,000 goal for the cost of the actual MOOving of the barn.  18K for the mover and some additional for little things like lifting power lines, etc.  GREAT NEWS! 

ALSO - You will find our Historic Preservation Commission booth at Draper's Earth Day event!  Find out how Historic Preservation is GREEN, check out Day Barn progress, donate and have an all-round great time with family and friends.  Here's the flyer below.  OH, and keep in mind our Day Barn Yard Sale on May 8th.  Please donate and attend if you can!  Thanks!

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Dear Friends!

If you are here that must mean you would like a bit-O information about the O-Day Dairy Barn relocation project.  Well, things are really starting to pick up speed.  I would say the "recession" added a bit-O discouragement to early fundraising efforts but NOW is the time.  It's going to happen.  With current donations we are up to nearly $15,000 in the bank and only need to raise another $3000 to pay the mover.  That isn't too bad.   Add on another 2-3K for other moving expenses (like raising power lines) and we'll almost there for the most urgent part of this first phase!!

A number of talented folks, including builder Tod Wadsworth, have stepped forward to donate professional contracting help, in-kind donations and expertise.  Soon we will post a list of in-kind donations needed to totally complete and beautify this fun project. 

And, of course, we still need cash money. 

Every little bit helps.  If you can, please send in a contribution today.  (Check out our Donate and Barn Buddy pages)

PLUS - check back for more information about our BARN-yard sale coming up on MAY 8th and the amazing fundraiser being held by Fresh Hair Salon in Dillman Square!

Contact Rob Perry at 801-572-8222 for more information or email