For more information about this project or to make a pledge, please contact Rob Perry's office at 572-8222

Contributions by check may be made out to the Draper Community Foundation and mailed to:

The Day Barn Fund, C/O Todd Shoemaker
P.O. Box 474
Draper Utah, 84020

You will promptly receive an aknowledgement of your contribution in the mail and the funds will be deposited in the dedicated 501(c)3 Draper Community Foundation fund for the Day Barn relocation and renovation. We are sure this project will come to a successful completion, but if, for some unforseen reason, the barn is not relocated your contribution will be returned.

Thank you for considering a contribution to the Day Barn. We know seeing and enjoying the community uses in the restored Day Barn will be the greatest reward for your contribution but we hope you will also accept the following recognitions as a thank you for your support -

Donor, $1 - $99

Acknowledgement in local papers, on this blog, and in the Day Barn Journal to be kept on-site.

Supporters, $100 - $499

Acknowledgement in local papers, the web and Day Barn Journal. Name on the permanent plaque at the Day Barn site

Friend, $500 - $999

Acknowledgement in local papers, web and Day Barn Journal. Name on the permanent plaque at the Day Barn site.

Recognition display gift for home or business

Attendance and recognition at catered Grand Opening

Sponsor, $1000 - $2499

Acknowledgement in local papers, the web and Day Barn Journal. Name on the permanent plaque at the Day Barn site.

Recognition display gift for home or business

Attendance and recognition at catered Grand Opening

One three hour rental of the Day Barn for your event

Partner, $2499 - $5000

Acknowledgement in local papers, website and Day Barn Journal. Name on the permanent plaque at the Day Barn site.

Recognition display gift for home or business

Attendance and recognition at catered Grand Opening

One three hour rental of the Day Barn for your event

Recognition on temporary project signage as a Major Partner

Benefactor, $5000 and up

Special acknowledgement in local papers, web and Day Barn Journal. Name on the permanent plaque at the Day Barn site.

Recognition display gift for home or business

Attendance and recognition at catered Grand Opening

One three hour rental of the Day Barn for your event and other special recognitions

Recognition on temporary project signage as a Major Benefactor

(In-kind contributions are also encouraged and needed. They will be recognized at the level of their fair market value)

(The Draper Community Foundation is a 501c(3) organization.)