YES, we picked this baby up and hauled it over right near the Draper Park area in Draper's Town Center! The Barn is located to the east of the newly renovated Fitzgerald House and the Fitzgerald Cabin. Landscaping, pathways and displays now complete the parcel and provide a relaxing, useful and educational addition to Draper's park resources.

With help from YOU, area businesses and craftspeople the barn was placed on a new, polished cement floor and foundation, scraped, repaired, painted, renovated, electrified and beautified. It is available as a unique type of park "pavillion" - very needed and in demand in our community.

The barn is, mainly, all about fun -  barn dances, family parties, informal weddings, community events, exhibits, readings - hopefully a successful farmer's market too.

BUT, we know the teaching moments will sneak in there too. Without taking up any of that wonderful, open, floor space the often humble story of Draper's farming heritage will be told and come to life for kids and adults.

Agriculture in Draper was mostly about the family farm - working hard, working together and putting food on the table even in the hardest times.

The history of the Day farm goes back to Henry Eastman Day in 1851.  Son Elias John and his sons started the dairy herd in the early 1920's and nearly lost the farm in the depression. Elias' son, Harmon, studied agriculture at Utah State University and became a leader in the farming community. Harmon, his wife Phoebe and their 10 children worked together, through thick and thin, to make the farm a success.

It is in this same tradition that the current Day family, Tod Wadsworth, city staff and a multitude of wonderful in-kind and cash donors have given this gift - at no drain to struggling city coffers.  Our community has worked together to create another beloved gathering place - one that provides a bridge to a humble and honorable shared heritage.

Please visit our Barn Buddies page for a complete list of donors.