There has been so much going on at the Day Barn site that it will be hard to report it all!
As you can see, the footings and foundation have been poured and the barn is now set down and anchored. The barn was actually raised about a foot to provide the proper headroom inside for the activities we anticipate.
Wadsworth construction is donating the services of an architect who is nailing down all possible future uses of the barn and developing a master plan - likely phased - to include, possibly, some amenities we had previously thought out of our reach. We'll see how that progresses.
In the meantime, work and efforts have moved forward. A new member of the committee Kerris Koplin is working to locate and attach the correct dimension of lumber around the base of the barn as well as other places where the wood is damaged or missing. Kerris is also planning to replicate and replace the barn windows.
LaRayne Day and family has spent hours scraping and sanding loose paint from the exterior and the barn is nearly ready for a coat of primer and then top-coat. Tod Wadsworth is heading up stabilization and structural reinforcement of the interior so the barn will meet code for anticipated snow loads and the anticipated occupancy.
This project is poised to become one of Draper finest outdoor park facilities so please consider joining in to make it a much needed gathering spot for Draper's Town Center.
Cash donations are still very needed as well as donations in these categories -
- Window Glazing
- Paint
- Carpentry
- Insulation
- Wood siding panels
- Electrical materials
- Electricians
- Rough Plumbing materials
- Plumbers
- Landscaping
- Irrigation systems