Dear Friends!
If you are here that must mean you would like a bit-O information about the O-Day Dairy Barn relocation project. Well, things are really starting to pick up speed. I would say the "recession" added a bit-O discouragement to early fundraising efforts but NOW is the time. It's going to happen. With current donations we are up to nearly $15,000 in the bank and only need to raise another $3000 to pay the mover. That isn't too bad. Add on another 2-3K for other moving expenses (like raising power lines) and we'll almost there for the most urgent part of this first phase!!
A number of talented folks, including builder Tod Wadsworth, have stepped forward to donate professional contracting help, in-kind donations and expertise. Soon we will post a list of in-kind donations needed to totally complete and beautify this fun project.
And, of course, we still need cash money.
Every little bit helps. If you can, please send in a contribution today. (Check out our Donate and Barn Buddy pages)
PLUS - check back for more information about our BARN-yard sale coming up on MAY 8th and the amazing fundraiser being held by Fresh Hair Salon in Dillman Square!
Contact Rob Perry at 801-572-8222 for more information or email
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